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Megan Secures Top Placing At Fair Hill International


This past week Megan and Classic’s Mojah checked off their yearlong goal of the CCI3*-L at Fair Hill International in style. Coach Tamie Smith flew in after her week competing at Boekelo in The Netherlands and got Megan and “Mo” ready for their dressage test. Clearly they were ready as they scored a 29.1 and sat in fourth in a large division after the first phase. Mo made light work of the highly regarded cross country at Fair Hill and only added a few seconds of time to their dressage score. The two completed their exciting week by just hitting one rail in the show jumping to complete their first Fair Hill in 7th place! Not too shabby for the pair. Megan and Mo would not have been able to have been so successful without everyone’s support from Next Level Eventing. A special thank you has to go to Kaylawna Smith-Cook for coming out and grooming all week for her and Mo. It is so special to have the great support that the NLE team supplies. Thank you as well to Megan’s sponsors who support her on the crazy journey it takes to get to a top event such as Fair Hill. 

It is about a 26-hour drive back to Texas from Maryland, but it is totally worth it after such an amazing week. Megan is looking forward to 2020 with Mo as it is sure to bring some exciting adventures and even more success!

PC: Eventing Nation

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